[B900] Notizie/F - 2 CfP: Prises de rue - Think beyond borders
Redazione di Bollettino '900
redazione at boll900.it
Mon Dec 17 14:45:34 CET 2007
BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / F, dicembre 2007
- Call for Papers
Prises de rue Street Takes
Streets and Roads in European Cinemas
Rues et routes dans les cinemas europeens
International conference
Montreal, 18-20 September 2008
Scadenza: 15 gennaio 2008
- Call for Papers
Thinking Beyond Borders / Global Ideas. Global Values
Pensare al di la' dei confini / Idee globali. Valori globali
Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for
Italian Studies
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
May 31 - June 2, 2008
Scadenza: 9 febbraio 2008
Call for Papers
Prises de rue Street Takes
Streets and Roads in European Cinemas
Rues et routes dans les cinemas europeens
International conference organized by the Project on European Cinemas (PEC)
(Karin Bauer, Eugenio Bolongaro, Michael Cowan, Viva Paci,
Will Straw, Alanna Thain)
Montreal: 18-20 September 2008
Streets and roads constitute perhaps one of the most
self-reflexively charged spaces in film history and
theory. The very acquisition of a specific mobile point
of view through traveling shots in early cinema overlapped
with the discovery of the street as a filmic space, and
streets have held out a singular fascination for filmmakers
and film theorists ever since. On the one hand, the street
has formed the privileged locus for efforts to reclaim a
specific authenticity for the filmic medium. Whether seen as
the space of the "social" (the Weimar street film), the locus
of the event and the encounter (neorealism), or the sphere of
political action (1960s), the street has consistently been
imagined as a counterpart to the controlled environments of
the home, the workplace or the film studio. On the other hand,
streets and roads have offered a frequent topos for working
through problems of narrative, history (whether cultural,
political or technological) and geography. From road movies
to migration films, the cinema has continually been attracted
to roads and routes as a forum for conceptualizing temporal
and spatial trajectories. A glance at recent European film
shows that this investment in streets and roads as filmic
spaces has hardly abated today. For its inaugural conference,
the Montreal Project on European Cinemas seeks to probe the
question of how filmic constructions of the street have been
transformed within the context ofthe "New Europe". How have
changes in European geography (unification, expansion,
globalization), concepts of history (from declarations of
the "end of history" to the return of the political) and
not least of all audiovisual technologies (video, digital,
satellite, etc.) affected the way streets and roads are
portrayed in recent film. What hopes and fears do filmic
streets embody today? While the focus of the conference
will be on recent film and video, we encourage
transhistorical approaches. Submissions welcome in
English or in French.
Possible topics include:
- Streets, trajectories, narrative, history
- Streets vs. Roads vs. Highways: differences and overlap
- The street between movement and stasis; the legacy of the
- Legacy of the street as public space; events, politics,
- Legal aspects of street takes/taking the street
- Surveillance, mapping and control spaces
- Virtual streets, virtual travel
- Modes of transportation
- Mental geographies and the role of routes in the imagining
the new Europe; migration; national vs. transnational routes.
- Street as subject: does the street have eyes?
- Street sounds: "direct sound," ambient sound, etc.
- Theorizing the street: the street and contemporary film
Please send abstracts (max. 250 words) accompanied by a
short bio-bibliography and the titles of works treated in the
proposed presentation to
prisesderue2008 at gmail.com
by January 15th.
Appel a contributions
Prises de rue Street Takes
Streets and Roads in European Cinemas
Rues et routes dans les cinemas europeens
Colloque international organise par le PEC: Project on European
(Karin Bauer, Eugenio Bolongaro, Michael Cowan, Viva Paci,
Will Straw, Alanna Thain)
Montreal, 18-20 septembre 2008
Les rues et les routes sont des espaces charges de sens dans
la representation, lhistoire et la theorie du cinema.
La conquete dun point de vue mobile au moyen du *traveling*
dans le cinema des premiers temps a coincide avec la decouverte
de la rue comme espace filmique, et les rues nont cesse de
fasciner realisateurs et penseurs du cinema depuis lors.
Dune part, la rue occupe une place privilegiee dans les tentatives
recurrentes de definir le cinema comme medium qui produit des
representations authentiques. Consideree comme espace social
(le *Strassenfilm* de Weimar), comme lieu de levenement, de la
rencontre ou de lapparition (neorealisme) ou comme plaque
tournante de laction politique (production des annees soixante
et soixante-dix), la rue a ete imaginee en contrepoint aux
environnements controles que sont lespace domestique, le lieu de
travail ou encore le studio de cinema. Dautre part, les rues
et les routes ont permis aux cineastes de mettre a lepreuve
des choix de narration, des questions dhistoire (tant culturelle
que politique ou technologique) et de geographie. Du *road movie*
aux films de migration, le cinema na cesse detre attire
par les rues et les routes dans la mesure ou celles-ci permettaient
de conceptualiser des trajectoires spatiales et temporelles.
Il suffit de considerer le cinema europeen recent pour se rendre
compte de la persistance de linteret des cineastes pour les
rues et les routes. Le colloque inaugural du groupe *Project on
European Cinemas* se propose ainsi dexaminer les transformations
subies par les constructions cinematographiques de la rue
dans le contexte de la "nouvelle Europe". Comment les changements
dans la geographie europeenne (unification, expansion,
mondialisation), les nouvelles categories historiques (de la
"fin de lhistoire" au "retour du politique") et les nouvelles
technologies audiovisuelles (video, numerique, satellite, etc.)
ont elles affecte les representations de la rue au cinema? La
production cinematographique et video recente sera au centre
des travaux du colloque, mais nous encourageons aussi les
approches transhistoriques.
Sujets possibles:
- Rues, trajectoires, recit, histoire
- Rue vs. route vs. autoroute: continuites et ruptures
- La rue entre mouvement et arret: le "flaneur" aujourdhui
- Rue comme espace public: evenements, *happenings*, politique,
- Filmer la rue/prendre la rue: aspects legaux
- Surveillance, cartographie et controle de lespace
- Rues et routes virtuelles, voyages virtuels
- Moyens de transport
- Les geographies imaginaires et le role des routes dans
larticulation de la nouvelle Europe; migration; itineraires
nationaux vs. transnationaux.
- La rue comme sujet et point de vue: la rue a-t-elle des yeux ?
- Sons de rue: son direct, environnements sonores, etc.
- Theoriser la rue: la rue dans la theorie du cinema contemporaine
Nous vous prions dadresser votre proposition (max. 250 mots) et
une courte bio-bibliographie dans lune des deux langues du
colloque (anglais et francais), ainsi que la liste des films et/ou
des oeuvres video etudies, au comite du PEC avant le 15 janvier
prisesderue2008 at gmail.com
Call for Papers
Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
May 31 - June 2, 2008
(+ excursion on June 3rd)
"Thinking Beyond Borders / Global Ideas. Global Values"
"Pensare al di la' dei confini / Idee globali. Valori
The Canadian Society for Italian Studies will hold its
next annual Spring Conference in conjunction with the
77th Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities
and Social Sciences from Saturday, May 31st to Monday,
June 2nd, 2008 at the University of British Columbia in
Vancouver, B.C. It is an opportunity to visit a beautiful
campus in what has been declared "the most livable city in
the world", situated between the Rocky Mountains and the
Pacific Ocean. Our keynote speaker will be the well-known
writer Caterina Edwards. Plans are also being made for a
day-long excursion along the Sunshine Coast up to Ruby Lake
Resort on June 3rd.
Proposals are invited on all subjects relating to Italian
studies for individual 20-minute papers, complete sessions,
or panel discussions, which may be presented in Italian,
English, or French. The title with a 125-word abstract should
be sent, along with a brief bio, to the session organizer
indicated below not later than February 9th, 2008. Further
enquiries may be addressed to the general program organizer,
Olga Pugliese (pugliese at chass.utoronto.ca).
(Offers to chair sessions are also welcome.)
N.B. The conference is open to participants from all countries.
Presenters, organizers and chairs must be members of the CSIS
and all those attending must also register for the Congress of
the Federation. To join the CSIS (and automatically receive our
journal, Quaderni d'italianistica) please contact Dr. Enrico
Vicentini (enrivice at yahoo.com). Current CSIS members will
receive information directly from the Federation. Others
should consult the Federation website at www.fedcan.ca
Middle Ages and Renaissance / Medioevo e Rinascimento
Organizer: Manuela Scarci (U. of Toronto)
(m.scarci at utoronto.ca)
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries / Sei-Settecento
Organizer: Filippo Salvatore (Concordia U.)
(fsal at alcor.concordia.ca)
From Romanticism to "verismo" / Dal romanticismo al verismo
Organizer: Guido Pugliese (U. of Toronto Mississauga)
(guido.pugliese at utoronto.ca)
Modern & Contemporary Literature & Culture / Letteratura
e cultura moderna e contemporanea
Organizer: Paola Basile (Lake Erie College)
(PBasile at lec.edu)
Italian Cinema / Cinema italiano
Organizer: Patrizia Bettella (U. of Alberta)
(pbettell at telusplanet.net)
Historical Linguistics and Dialectology / Linguistica
storica e dialettologia
Organizer: Jana Vizmuller-Zocco (York U.)
(jvzocco at yorku)
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics / Linguistica teorica
e applicata
Organizer: Gessica De Angelis (Libera Universita' di Bolzano)
(gessica.deangelis at unibz.it)
The Teaching of Italian as a Second Language / Didattica
dell'italiano come lingua seconda
Organizer: Enrico Vicentini (TDSB)
(enrivice at yahoo.com)
Italian Canadian Literature, Film, Art etc. / Letteratura,
cinema, arte italocanadesi
Organizer: Joe Pivato (Athabasca U.)
(pivato at athabascau.ca)
Italian Canadian History & Immigration / Storia e
immigrazione degli italocanadesi
Organizer: Gabriele Scardellato (York U.)
(gpscar at yorku.ca)
Special Sessions
Canada/Italy: New Perspectives on Global Migrations /
Canada/Italia: Nuove prospettive sulle migrazioni globali
Organizer: Elena Benelli (U. de Montreal)
(elenabenelli at mac.com )
Joint Session with the Canadian Society for Renaissance
Les collaborations litteraires entre hommes et femmes sous
l'Ancien Regime / Collaborazione letteraria tra uomini e
donne nella prima modernita' /
Literary Collaboration Between Men & Women in the Early Modern
Organizer: Mawy Bouchard (U. of Ottawa)
(mboucha2 at uottawa.ca)
Italy's Contribution to Global Ideas and Values / Il contributo
italiano alla formazione di idee e valori globali
Organizer: Konrad Eisenbichler (U. of Toronto)
(konrad.eisenbichler at utoronto.ca)
Italy and Europe. Liminal Identities in the Age of Globalization /
L'Italia e l'Europa. Identita' liminali nell'era globale
Organizer: Sandra Parmegiani (U. of Guelph)
(sparmegi at uoguelph.ca)
Oral Culture, Oral Histories and Varieties of Italian Experience /
Cultura orale, storia orale e varietà della tradizione italiana
Organizer: Dr. Luisa Del Giudice
(luisadg at humnet.ucla.edu)
These panels will consider papers which deal with
a) a wide range of Italian oral expressive genres (personal
narrative, traditional song, regional folktale, etc.),
material culture, belief
b) projects which focus on oral historical research
methodologies as they apply to individual life histories
or community history. Contributions may deal with historic
or contemporary Italians in Italy, as migrants, or as
Luisa Del Giudice, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 241553
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1553
Tel.: (310) 474-1698
Fax: (310) 474-3188
E-mail: luisadg at humnet.ucla.edu
(c) Bollettino '900 - versione e-mail
Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature
Notizie/F, dicembre 2007. Anno XIII, 6.
Direttore: Federico Pellizzi
Redazione Newsletter: Michela Aveta, Eleonora Conti,
Anna Frabetti, Luisa Magnoli, Giuseppe Nava, Saverio Voci.
Dipartimento di Italianistica
dell'Universita' di Bologna,
Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy,
Fax +39 051 2098595; tel. +39 051 2098595/334294.
Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995.
ISSN 1124-1578
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