[B900] Notizie/F - CfP: Lovanio, racconti brevi - CfP: Nanjing, China, Translation

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Gio 22 Dic 2011 17:25:55 CET


     BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / F, dicembre 2011



- CfP: Conference
   "Cycles, Recueils, Macrotexts:
   Theorizing the Short Story Collection"
   Leuven, Belgium - May 23-24, 2012
   Deadline: January 10, 2012

- CfP: Panel
   "Translation, Encounter and Global Semiotics"
   Special panel at the 11th World Congress
   of the International Association for Semiotic Studies
   Nanjing, China (5-9 October 2012)
   Deadline: 30 June 2012


Call for Papers

"Cycles, Recueils, Macrotexts:
Theorizing the Short Story Collection"
Leuven, Belgium - May 23-24, 2012

University of Leuven, Belgium
contact email:
elke.dhoker a arts.kuleuven.be

The aim of this conference is to map and critically
assess different theoretical approaches to the interlinking
of short stories in a collection. Within the Anglo-American
critical tradition, the dominant critical frame is that
of the short story cycle (although several rival terms have
been coined, such as short story sequence, composite novel,
or short story composite), while in the Francophone tradition,
the short story cycle has been linked to a broader variety
of genres and forms of textual organization. In yet other
contexts, such as Italian semiotics, short story collections
have been analysed as "macrotexts" (macrotesti). These
different traditions, however, find themselves faced with
similar issues such as the tension between unity and
diversity and the rhetorical and stylistic features
associated with it; the link with magazine publication and
serialisation; the relation between formal features and
interpretation; the generic status of the short story
cycle/collection and its relation to the novel on the one
hand, and the short story on the other. This conference
seeks to address these questions both through theoretical
reflection and through the exploration of concrete case
studies from different literary traditions. A secondary
aim of this conference, hence, is to map the historical
development of the collection of interlinked stories in
different languages and traditions from around 1850 to
the present day.

Papers are invited which either address these and similar
questions from a theoretical perspective or seek to apply
and test a particular theoretical approach to a given
literary text and tradition.

Plenary Speakers: Rene' Audet (Universite' Laval);
Rolf Lunden (Uppsala University)

The conference is hosted by the K.U.Leuven department of
Literary Studies, the Leuven Centre for Irish Studies (LCIS)
and the research network OLITH. It will take place in the
newly refurbished Irish college in Leuven (the Leuven
Institute for Ireland in Europe).

Papers may be delivered in either English or French and
should not exceed 2500-3000 words (20 minutes delivery).
Proposals for papers (250 words) should be sent by e-mail
to Elke D'hoker (elke.dhoker a arts.kuleuven.be) and Bart
Van den Bossche (bart.vandenbossche a arts.kuleuven.be),
by January 10, 2012. More information about the conference
will be posted on:
http://www2.arts.kuleuven.be/literatuurwetenschap/en .

cfp categories:
modernist studies



Colloque International

"Cycles, Recueils, Macrotextes:
theoriser les recueils de recits brefs"

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
23-24 mai 2012

Conferenciers pleniers: Rene Audet (Universite Laval);
Rolf Lunden (Uppsala University)

L'objectif du colloque est d'inventorier et d'evaluer
de facon critique les differentes approches theoriques
s'etant interessees a l'interconnexion de recits brefs
(nouvelles, contes,…) dans un recueil. Dans la tradition
critique anglo-americaine, le concept dominant est celui
du short story cycle (même si plusieurs autres termes
ont ete proposes, tels que short story sequence,
composite novel, ou short story composite),
tandis que dans la tradition francophone, l'analyse
du recueil de recits a ete situee a l'interieur d'un
eventail varie de genres et de formes
d'organisation textuelle (serialite, polytextualite,
recueil d'essays,…). Dans d'autres contextes encore,
tels que la semiotique italienne (Corti, Testa),
les recueils de recits ont ete analyses comme des
" macrotextes " (macrotesti). Au-dela de leurs
specificites, ces differentes traditions, se voient
confrontees a des problemes analogues, tels que la
tension entre unite et diversite (ainsi que les
caracteristiques rhetoriques et stylistiques qui y
sont associees), le lien avec la serialisation et la
publication en revue, la relation entre les
caracteristiques formelles et leur interpretation;
le statut generique du recueil de recits vis-a-vis
du roman d'une part, et du genre du recit ou de
la nouvelle en tant que tels de l'autre. Le colloque
se propose d'affronter les questions evoquees
a la fois a travers la reflexion theorique et a travers
l'exploration de cas concrets appartenant a
differentes traditions litteraires. Des lors, un objectif
secondaire de cette rencontre est d'inventorier le
developpement historique du recueil de recits
dans differentes langues et traditions litteraires
de 1850 a nos jours. Les auteurs sont invites
a proposer des resumes qui envisagent l'etude
des questions ici evoquees d'un point de vue
theorique et/ou qui cherchent a appliquer une
approche theorique particuliere a un texte specifique
ou a une tradition litteraire donnee.
La conference est organisee par le departement
d'etudes litteraires de l'Universite Catholique de
Louvain (K.U.Leuven), le Centre d'etudes
irlandaises de Louvain (LCIS), le reseau de
recherche OLITH et le project de recherche
M.D.R.N. Il aura lieu dans le college irlandais
a Leuven (Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe).

Les communications peuvent etre presentees
en français ou en anglais et ne devraient pas
depasser les 2500-3000 mots (20 minutes de
temps de parole). Les resumes (250 mots
au maximum) doivent être envoyes avant
le 10 janvier 2012 par courrier
electronique a

Elke D'hoker
(elke.dhoker a arts.kuleuven.be) et

Bart Van den Bossche
(bart.vandenbossche@ arts.kuleuven.be).

Les informations concernant le colloque seront
affichees sur

http://www2.arts.kuleuven.be/literatuurwetenschap/en .


Call for papers: Translation, Encounter
and Global Semiotics
Round Table nos. 27

Special panel at the 11th World Congress of
the International Association for Semiotic Studies
Nanjing, China (5-9 October 2012)

Panel organizers:
Pirjo Kukkonen  (University of Helsinki, Finland)
pirjo.kukkonen a helsinki.fi

Susan Petrilli (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)
susan.petrilli a gmail.com

Zhiting Zhang (College of Foreign Languages,
Nankai University)
zhangshuono3 a 163.com

Zhijun Yan (School of Foreign Languages & Cultures,
Nanjing Normal University, China)
yantranslation a hotmail.com

Translation, Encounter and Global Semiotics

The question of translation concerns the relation among
texts in different languages, interlingual translation.
A particularly interesting issue from this point of
view is the question of the relation established
between the original text and the target translation,
or "translatant". These texts are similar and yet
different. The paradox of translation is that the text
must remain the same, while becoming other insofar as
it is reorganized into the expressive modalities of
another language. The translation is simultaneously
identical and different, the same/other. This relation
among texts is also reflected in the relation between
author and translator.
But translational processes cannot be reduced to
interlingual translation alone. The question of
translation is far broader. Every time there is a sign
process there is translation. Translation concerns the
relation among signs, which are intersign and transign
relations, and extend in the direction of both
intralingual and intersemiotic translative processes.
To extend the notion of translation to the point that
translation and semiosis converge means to look at the
relation among signs from a special angle. This
relation viewed in terms of translative processes is
dominated by similarity. The question of translation
is connected with the typology of signs, where the
sign that prevails is the iconic as distinguished from
the indexical and the symbolic. But to posit that
translation and semiosis coincide also means to view
translation from the point of view of global semiotics
and its role in the great semiotic web that is
our biosphere.
As intersign and transign activity, the question of
translation is also the question of the relation among
different fields of knowledge and experience, among
different disciplines, different cultures and
ideologies, among different philosophies and worldviews.
 From this point of view, the question of translation
is connected to the question of dialogue, otherness
and responsibility, therefore to the proposal of a
new form of humanism, that is, the humanism of

Translation is inherent in all communication,
understanding and interpretive processes, in
language and culture at large. From a global
semiotic perspective, if we accept the axiom
posited by Thomas A. Sebeok that life and semiosis
converge, then translation is the condition for
signs to flourish, the condition for life throughout
the entire biosphere, the global semiosphere.
With specific reference to the anthroposemiosphere
and to the theme of our conference "Global Semiotics:
Bridging Different Civilizations," encounter and
dialogue among cultures and civilizations is only
possible thanks to ongoing translational processes.

Papers are invited to address these problems and
others still related to the topic of the relation
between translational processes and sign processes,
therefore between translation theory and sign theory.

Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words in
Rich Text Format or Word doc attached to an email
and addressed to the panel organizers by 30 June 2012.

A maximum of 15 to 20 minutes will be allowed for
each presentation.

For further information concerning abstract
submission, registration details, and for general
information concerning the Congress and Call for Papers,
see the Congress website:


(c) Bollettino '900 - versione e-mail
Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature
Notizie/F, dicembre 2011. Anno XVII, 6.

Direttore: Federico Pellizzi
Redazione Newsletter: Michela Aveta, Daniele Borghi,
Eleonora Conti, Anna Frabetti, Monica Jansen, Giuseppe Nava,
Michele Righini, Saverio Voci.

Dipartimento di Filologia classica e Italianistica
dell'Universita' di Bologna,
Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy,
Fax +39 051 2098595; tel. +39 051 2098595.
Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995.
ISSN 1124-1578

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