[B900] Notizie/B - CfP: Religion(S) and Cultural Production(S) of The Italian Diaspora(S)
Redazione di Bollettino '900
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Ven 24 Feb 2017 02:21:03 CET
** BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / B, febbraio 2017**
**- Convegno internazionale: **
** Religion(S) And Cultural Production(S) Of The Italian Diaspora(S)**
** Utrecht University**
** 19-20 May 2017**
** Scadenza CfP: 5 marzo 2017**
**Utrecht University, 19 - 20 May 2017**
**Conference organizers**
**Matteo Brera, Monica Jansen (Utrecht University)**
**Scientific Committee**
**Rosemarie Buikema (Utrecht University), Annalisa Butticci **
**(Utrecht University), Natalie Dupré (KU Leuven), Martha Frederiks **
**(Utrecht University), Federico Luisetti (University of North Carolina **
**at Chapel Hill), Franco Pierno (University of Toronto)**
**Confirmed Keynote Speakers**
**Stefano Luconi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)**
**Loredana Polezzi (Cardiff University)**
**Call for Papers**
**In the context of Unesco’s World Day for Cultural Diversity for
Dialogue **
**and Development 2017, the Italian Department at Utrecht University **
**organises a two-day symposium to explore how religious hierarchies, **
**institutions and practices shaped the identity and the cultural
production **
**(language, literature, performance, social media) of past and present
Italian **
**Religion may be seen as an impediment to or enhancer of social mobility **
**inside and outside of Italy. It can trigger “narrations” that either
revolve **
**around cultural practices linked with traditional notions of**
**Italianness (e.g. piccola patria), or shift towards new doctrines and **
**spiritualties that redefine the idea of nation and culture.
Furthermore, **
**religious institutions and their missionary, educational and cultural**
**activities can forge the identity – also linguistic – of integrated **
**and/or segregated migrant communities.**
**In the context of Italian mobilities, this conference aims to bring **
**together scholars from various disciplines to showcase how religious
cults **
**and practices cross(ed) national and cultural borders and**
**how these practices embody a language through which emigrants represent **
**their transnational experience. Moments of transition in which borders
between **
**nations and cultures are redefined with the decisive contribution of
religion **
**are of particular interest for this conference, with a focus on
processes **
**of colonisation/decolonisation, nationalisation, secularisation,
tensions **
**caused by ethnic and religious conflicts on a local and a global scale. **
**The final aim of the symposium is to establish a platform with which
to explore **
**the shifting place and role of religion in a new age of great
**Interested scholars may wish to address, among others, one or more of
the **
**following topics:**
**• (re)readings, translations and re-interpretations of religion in
literary texts;**
**• narratives and languages of mobility, migration and religion;**
**• rethinking localism, regionalism and nationalism within religious
**• globalisation and religious hegemony;**
**• Religion and Folk culture;**
**• transnational approaches to religion studies;**
**• transmediality and spirituality.**
**Please send a 250 words abstract to m.brera a uu.nl or m.m.Jansen a uu.nl
by 5 March 2017.**
**Working languages of the conference will be English (preferred) and
**(c) Bollettino '900 - versione e-mail**
**Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature**
**Notizie/B, febbraio 2017. Anno XXIII, 1.**
**Direttore: Federico Pellizzi**
**Redazione Newsletter: Michela Aveta, Daniele Borghi,**
**Eleonora Conti, Anna Frabetti, Monica Jansen, Giuseppe Nava,**
**Michele Righini, Saverio Voci.**
**Dipartimento di Filologia classica e Italianistica**
**dell'Universita' di Bologna,**
**Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy,**
**Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995.**
**ISSN 1124-1578**
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