[B900] Notizie/A - CfP e convegni
Redazione di Bollettino '900
redazione at boll900.it
Fri Jan 21 14:50:23 CET 2005
BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / A, febbraio 2005
- "Carte Italiane" a Journal of Italian Studies
*Ovid and the Classical Tradition in Italian Literature*
CFP: March 15th 2005
- Conference: "Generations In European History"
Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Oxford, New College, 8-10 April 2005
Call for Papers:
"Carte Italiane" a Journal of Italian Studies
Ovid and the Classical Tradition in Italian Literature
Ovidio e la tradizione classica nella letteratura italiana
Submissions should be made in triplicate, and accompanied
by a disk or CD.
Please include a small biography noting the institution
with which you are affiliated. We encourage submissions
from both graduate students and established scholars.
The issue is expected to be published in October 2005.
Submissions should be made to:
"Carte Italiane"
Department of Italian
212 Royce Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Deadline for submissions is March 15th 2005.
Conference: Generations In European History
Interdisciplinary Conference
Dates: 8 - 10 April 2005
Description: The 'generation' is a concept much invoked
but little analysed. Historians, anthropologists, economists
and political scientists have all found uses for the term
'generation', but they construe it in subtly yet significantly
different ways: some researchers emphasise socialising
institutions, while others stress family life; some try to
identify long chains of historical succession, while others
focus on the unique experiences of a single cohort; some favour
quantitative survey data, while others see generation as
primarily a discursive phenomenon to be traced through the
close reading of texts. The conference will bring all these
different intellectual communities into contact and
interaction in the effort to see whether it is possible to
establish cross-national patterns for relationships between
generations at a given historical moment, and to
grasp how such patterns have changed over time, both in
particular societies, and in 'Europe' more broadly.
Organisers: Prof Catriona Kelly, New College, Oxford &
Dr Stephen Lovell, King's College London
Venue: New College, Oxford
Details: Conference Website http://users.ox.ac.uk/~genconf/
Email: generations at ehrc.ox.ac.uk
Deadline: Registration by 1 March 2005
Please forward a copy of this Newsletter to colleagues
who might be interested in reading it. If you receive
a forwarded copy, and would like to be placed on the
Bollettino's distribution list for future information,
please contact us:
staff: boll900 at iperbole.bologna.it
editor: pellizzi at alma.unibo.it
subscribe: redazione at boll900.it
unsubscribe: redazione at boll900.it
(c) Bollettino '900 - versione e-mail
Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature
Notizie/A, febbraio 2005. Anno XI, 1.
Direttore: Federico Pellizzi
Redazione Newsletter: Michela Aveta, Eleonora Conti,
Anna Frabetti, Saverio Voci.
Dipartimento di Italianistica
dell'Universita' di Bologna,
Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy,
Fax +39 051 2098555; tel. +39 051 2098595/334294.
Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995.
ISSN 1124-1578
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